What to Expect
Crossroads Church Services
The church service is the time we put God first as a local church and where we develop an attitude of awe and reverence, a heart of submission and engagement in offering spiritual sacrifices and ministry to God. Corporate worship, for us as priests of the New Covenant, means to calibrate our lives according to God’s purpose for them, to God’s heart beat. God is the one initiating worship by showing mercy. If we would think that worship is something that we initiated, we could easily have the expectation that God should respond to us… and this is wrong.
Worship is a time to address and respond to God. Worship is highly participatory and does not resume itself to singing, but is the result of all the elements of the Church Service. For us, every element of the worship service has a part where the congregation has time to respond in worship.
Worship is not a show that transforms the participants into spectators. When God's people don't participate in a Church Service because they don’t know the songs, because it’s a one-man-show, or because the participation is limited to singing and praying, that service is not worship but a show.
Sunday Service
sunday service
During this service expect to participate in worship through singing, testimony, prayer, sermon feedback, Communion, financial offering and eating together. If you are visiting and you don’t want to participate, that’s OK with us. You don’t have to do it if this is too much for you.
Expect to be loved and for people to talk to you. We want to be a welcoming community and if people will come to you to introduce themselves, it’s a good sign.
There is no dress code for our meetings, but we appreciate modesty and restraint from provocative clothing.
small group service
During our small group meetings, expect a high level of participation and interaction. We believe that growing together is better than growing alone, so we come together week after week to have our share.
The small group service is where we discuss various applications of the sermon preached on Sunday. We want to make sure that we don’t have only big heads (knowledge) but big hearts (applied knowledge), too.
Expect to meet in a private house, together with 5-12 other believers. When the small groups go over 12 people, expect it to multiply and start a new small group. We would love to see a group in every district of Vienna.
Small Groups Service
when serving
Serving in a ministry is part of the priesthood privilege we have in the New Covenant. Since we appreciate the community so much, we love to serve in teams. Our serving teams are not only between the walls of the house, but also beyond the walls of the house. From the leadership of the church to the welcome ministry, the ministry is done in teams. Every team has a coordinator/leader because we have seen that this principle was lived out even in the Group of the Twelve Apostles.
If you have an interest in ministering and serving together with us, we would love to serve alongside you. Please contact us for more details.
Intramural ministries
Our current constant ministries are in the following areas: Sunday School for kids, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Music Ministry, Technical Ministry, Welcome Ministry, Hospitality Ministry, Special Events Ministry, and so on.
Extramural ministries
Our current sporadic ministries are in the following areas: Homeless Ministry, Book Reading Ministry, Cuba Ministry, Widows Ministry.